Relocating in a new country, can be challenging, never underestimate the impact it can have on your partner. How to avoid what is often called "the trailing spouse syndrome", a state of stress and discontent that can occur when the trailing spouse feels unfulfilled and lacking in direction?

Relocating must be a joint decision

First, your international relocation must be a joint decision. Prepare plans ahead so that you have something to occupy yourself with when arriving here. It could be an opportunity for your partner to try something new.

Reducing the negative impact of culture shock

While culture shock will undoubtedly hit you both, it is often even harder for the trailing spouse. One way to help each other to adjust is arriving in Luxembourg a while before starting work. Explore the Grand-Duchy and find your way together. By becoming familiar with this new environment reduce the chances of culture shock negatively impacting your partner.

Keeping in touch with family and friends

The first months of relocation are often tough, especially for the trailing spouse. One way to minimise the effect of homesickness and loneliness is having regular contact via multiple ways such as phone calls, Skypes,...

Focusing positively on the opportunities

By giving up work to be with you, your partner may lose the focus in their life. Encourage your partner to focus positively on the opportunities available in the new country. If your partner is only giving up work temporarily, they could start looking for a job when they meet the conditions to work in Luxembourg (see our previous article).

While abroad, many trailing spouses pursue a career of activity that previously had been unavailable in their home country. They opt to study for an online Masters or attend courses available in a range of subjects that last any length of time from one day to a few months. They can also look for an Internet-based work or teach their native language as a foreign language.

Volunteering is another option. The Volunteering Agency (Agence du Bénévolat), provides information about associations looking for volunteers at the following address: