Percentage of working women increases but share of men in employment goes down.

The percentage of people in part-time jobs in Luxembourg has increased by almost 8% over the past 15 years, bringing the share above the European Union average.

According to the EU's statistics office, Eurostat, it has become harder to find a permanent job across the bloc since 2002 as the share of temporary employees has increased.

In Luxembourg the percentage of part-time employment grew from 11.6% to 19.4% during that period and temporary employment went up from 3.7% to 8.5% – almost 5% below the EU average.

And while the share of working women has seen a steady increase over the past decade and a half, the share of men in employment has decreased from 81.2%, which was above the EU average, in 2002 to 75.4% – below the EU average – in 2007.

The EU average showed a decrease in male and female employment.

Youth employment – representing those aged between 20 and 24 years – also went down, from 53% to 42.1%.